Archive for Joe LencioniPage 5

College Calendar Redesigned

One of the oldest, largest, and most important pieces of the Gustavus website, the College Calendar was just rethought, redesigned, reprogrammed, and released.

Browser share

Since each web browser behaves differently, web developers are always interested in how many visitors are using which version of each of the major browsers. As new versions are released, fewer people end up using older versions of browsers and we have to worry less about our pages looking perfect in some of the less […]

We fixed the back button

Have you ever gone to the Gribly, made a couple of searches, and hit the back button only to return to the page you were at before you even went to the Gribly? That’s not what you expected, right? Frustrated? We hear you. This is a frequent problem in applications designed like the Gribly (i.e. […]

Review: Web Form Design by Luke Wroblewski

There's a pretty good chance that you will fill out a form today... and tomorrow... and the next day. Forms are everywhere you look--we rely on them for nearly everything from searching for information to ordering some goods to balancing your checkbook.

An easier way to give

We just put the finishing touches on our completely new online giving form. We took the opportunity examine every aspect of the online giving experience and we think came out with improvements across the board.

Our SQL servers get a RAM boost

Yesterday, we doubled the RAM in our SQL servers (bringing them up to 16GB each) so they can continue to be screaming-fast for the next few years as we expand our services on the web. For the technologically curious We have a failover cluster just in case one machine fails or needs updates–this allows us […]

We are on FriendFeed

We just created a Gustavus Adolphus College room on FriendFeed, the website that “enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing.” If you happen to be on FriendFeed, be sure to join our room. And, if you’re new to FriendFeed, sign up–it is […]

Introducing fadey banners

You asked for it and we delivered. Starting right now, every area of the Gustavus website that has more than one banner got a cool visual effect. All of the banners for each section will cycle with a fadey transition. Our best example at this point is the Religion site–check it out! We hope that […]

Text input example text with jQuery

When filling out a form on the web, it isn’t always crystal clear what you are supposed to type into every text input field. Since a confusing form is a form that is less likely to be completed, it is critical to provide help wherever important. In these cases, it can be very helpful to […]

Web-based process drives student-donor connection

Each year a substantial number of Gustavus students benefit from the generosity of donors. As a way to show thanks and strengthen connections between students and donors, students are invited to write thank-you letters to the people who made their scholarships possible. These thank-you letters are a critical component to Advancement’s donor strategy. These notes […]