Archive for Joe LencioniPage 4

Commission Gustavus 150 Survey

Our goal was to design a survey that allows anybody in the Gustavus community to easily give input on 439 items. The challenge was identifying and implementing a method that would work for as wide of an audience as possible without being overwhelming. Hopefully, we have succeeded.

How the Air Force Responds to Blog Posts

Here's a flowchart that describes the United States Air Force's rules of engagement for blogging, or rather, what their plan is when responding to blog posts.

Get your Gravatars!

We recently enabled some new features involving comments on blogs at Gustavus. One of the coolest features, and the one that could use a little help from you readers, is the addition of Gravatars.

How to Find Free Images

Have you ever been writing a blog post or putting together a website and thought that all it really needs is a couple of decent photos? If you don't have the time or talent to take photos for your pages, you might feel like you are out of luck. On the contrary, there's good news for you--an ocean of free images awaits you on Flickr Creative Commons search.

Calendar Widgets Get Date Links

You may have noticed that a number of Gustavus pages feature calendar widgets that display events from the College Calendar. Today we added a small but hopefully useful feature to these widgets--whenever a date is shown, that date will link to the same date in the College Calendar.

Google Calendar Gets Offline Mode, Docs Attachments, and iPhone and Windows Mobile Sync

Kyle Chambers in the Psychology department kindly writes in with news that Google Calendar recently added a couple of valuable features–offline access and Google Document attachments. Offline Calendar From Google’s FAQ about offline calendar: Calendar keeps you on time, even when you’re not online. Offline Calendar allows you to access your events through your browser […]

Improved Default Aux Box

Today we officially say goodbye to the stale “Did You Know” factoids from our website’s Aux Box (the blue column on the right side of many pages that contains extra content) and say hello to some new and improved, always-fresh content. By default, we now pull events from the College Calendar, news, and profiles into […]

Reminder: Update Your Profile

Calling all faculty, administrators, and staff–now is the perfect time to check out your profile and make sure it is completely up to date. Make sure you have a picture! Or, if you haven’t created a profile yet, take a few minutes to introduce yourself to website visitors. If you want some inspiration, cruise the […]

Local Navigation Context Clues

If you've been paying close attention to the Gustavus website over the weekend, you've probably noticed that we added a subtle but helpful new feature to the Gustavus Template. Now, each page's local navigation will highlight the page you are currently viewing if it happens to appear in the local navigation. For instance, check out the Classics Events page.

Religion Theses Search

While the religion department has been posting copies of students’ senior theses on its website for a number of years, we recently added a handy search box to the page. Thanks to a little bit of help from some Google technology, you can now search through all of these academic documents. There’s a lot of […]