One Place to Submit Your News

Submit Your News
If you have anything you would like to get the word out about, we have crafted a centralized news submission form.

Are you looking to sell a puppy or are you helping the disadvantaged? Did you win a fancy award or just get published? Do you know somebody who knows somebody who knows something big?

This news form is a one-stop shop for submitting news, no matter how big or how small it may be. If you have written an entire story, just have an idea for some news, or know of some news elsewhere, this form is for you. Submit all your newsworthy items to the news page, the Yellow Sheet, the homepage, the Quarterly, and the Weekly—all from a single form! What could be easier?

We hope that this new form will be a convenient method to stir up some good content for the College’s website and publications. So, if you have any news, submit it now. And, as always, if you have any upcoming events or announcements, submit them to the College Calendar.

Submit Your News


One response to “One Place to Submit Your News”

  1. […] blue bubble to the side, in a similar way to what we have done in other areas recently, such as the Submit Your News form and the Senior Class Gift […]

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