Web ServicesPage 5

Shorter is Still Better

In our eternal quest to optimize the Gustavus website, we removed the "academics" part of URLs.

Delivering a Faster Website

One of the most important parts of user experience on the web is how fast the pages actually load. We have been optimizing the Gustavus website for speed and have achieved some promising results.

Customized Calendar Event Listing on the Homepage

Have you ever lost something and became frustrated at how long it took you to find it? Finding information on the web can be a disappointing experience if the information is disorganized or presented poorly. We are always trying to help people find what they are looking for on our website as quickly as possible.

JPEG, PNG, and GIF: What’s the Difference?

We see it all the time--images on the web that are saved in the wrong file formats. Unfortunately, this often worsens the visitor's experience due to unnecessary compression artifacts in graphics, graininess and reduced colors in photographs, and overall larger than necessary file sizes that place an unneeded burden on browsers, servers, and bandwidth. But it doesn't need to be this way.

Profiles Are Now Easier to Update

We recently overhauled the mechanism that employees use to update their professional profiles, making them more powerful and easier to use.

A Shorter URL For You

We admit that some URLs can get a little out of hand. Thankfully, there is a solution. We can create shorter, easier to remember, redirection URLs for you in a special area of our website called /go/.

An Even Easier Way to Give

Just in time for the holidays, we made our online giving form even easier to use. This update should save people some time and effort when giving a gift to Gustavus.

On Campus Pages Brainstorming

Not many pages on the Gustavus website receive as much traffic as the On Campus page--particularly the section designed for students. We have been brainstorming some ideas on how to improve these pages for a while and want to see what you think about what we have in store.

The Benefits of Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) is a mechanism that consolidates the authentication process of multiple services into one spot. This connection allows users to be logged into multiple services when they sign in to one. If you are asking yourself, "why should I care about single sign-on?" read on.

Single Sign-On (SSO) for Gribly, College Calendar, and more

As of this afternoon, if you log in to the Gribly, you will also be logged in to the College Calendar, Google Calendar, Moodle, and a bunch of other areas of the Gustavus website.