Category: College calendar

  • College Calendar Gets Better Search

    We just launched a major improvement to the way that the College Calendar displays search results which will help visitors find the information they are looking for.

  • Weather on the Calendar

    Weather on the Calendar

    We have added some weather information to the College Calendar. Hopefully each day’s forecasted high and low temperatures will help give event-goers a little more context of what to expect at their events.

  • Calendar Widgets Get Date Links

    Calendar Widgets Get Date Links

    You may have noticed that a number of Gustavus pages feature calendar widgets that display events from the College Calendar. Today we added a small but hopefully useful feature to these widgets–whenever a date is shown, that date will link to the same date in the College Calendar.

  • College Calendar Redesigned

    One of the oldest, largest, and most important pieces of the Gustavus website, the College Calendar was just rethought, redesigned, reprogrammed, and released.

  • Events on the TV

    We recently put a new system live that pulls events from the college calendar to the closed-circuit channel 8 on campus–which includes the television sets in the campus center.

  • A College Calendar face-lift

    The College Calendar is an important hub of information. It is the centralized source of all events at Gustavus. The calendar received a small but substantial face-lift yesterday to help improve its usability. Here is a rundown of the most important changes. Shorter, smarter URLs Similar to the effort to shorten many of our URLs…

  • The College Calendar, Hot Off the Press!

    The Gustavus College Calendar is a great resource of events and announcements for the entire Gustavus community, which anyone can submit items to. Events in the College Calendar may show up in many places automatically, including the Gustavus-L e-mail list, the On-Campus Community pages, lab and kiosk desktops, the Yellow Sheet, and departments’ and organizations’…

  • Daylight Savings Time

    Since the time change for the end of daylight savings last month, our iCalendar files on the college calendar have been using the wrong time. This was caused by our usage of a constant timezone modifier for adding to event start times and end times. As a result, whenever someone had added an event to…