Month: May 2005

  • Alumni Fund e-mail campaign

    Tomorrow, on Tuesday, May 24, we will be moving forward with an e-mail campaign targeted at Alumni. This will be similar to an e-mail that we sent out to Alumni in December that featured Linda Lee in an effort to boost giving, except this time we will be sending out three different e-mails instead of…

  • CFLOCATION tags revised

    Pete Freitag’s description of what CFLOCATION does alerted us to our misuse of the CFLOCATION tag for redirecting visitors from to Apparently CFLOCATION sends the browser a 302 Moved Temporarily HTTP Status Code. Freitag suggests that one should send a 301 Moved Permanently HTTP Status Code using CFHEADER. However, the 302 temporary status…

  • Welcome to Gustavus Web Services blog

    We are pleased to announce the launch of the Gustavus Web Services blog. For those who are curious and savvy about blogging software, we are running this blog using the open source WordPress 1.5.1 which was released just hours ago. More information about WordPress can be found on their website. To answer some of your…