Year: 2006

  • Faculty Schedules Improved

    We recently fixed and improved on our Faculty Schedules pages. Somehow, the CSS file for the site was deleted during the 2005-2006 school year, making the page harder to read and use. We’ve added new CSS and javascript to the site, including a box on the right that keeps track of people you’ve selected to…

  • Homecoming and Family Weekend Registration

    Online registration is now available for this year’s Homecoming and Family Weekend events. Both will allow you to register for the Neal & Leandra concert and the Diversity Center Banquet on Saturday, October 7.

  • Robots in the Wiki

    We made some minor adjustments to our installation of MediaWiki to prevent robots such as Googlebot from indexing irrelevant pages like article edit pages and history pages. Essentially, we prepended a “/w/” to all non-article pages and then used mod_rewrite to remove the /w/ so the pages still work normally. The robots.txt file then prohibits…

  • Search Cloud

    Today we added a search cloud to the Search Gustavus page. We hope that this will help you find what you are looking for a little bit quicker. The search cloud is set to display the top 62 search terms from the past month. Why 62? Because Gustavus was founded in 1862. We’re number nerds…

  • 2006 Nobel Conference Website

    The 2006 Nobel Conference website, featuring an original design by Jerry Nowell, is now live. The cool feature on this year’s Nobel Conference website is the slick implementation of the hCalendar microformat on the Conference’s schedule page and the hCard microformat on the presenter pages and schedule page. This will allow software that can recognize…

  • Commencement Video

    Graduation exercises from the 2006 Commencement weekend were broadcast live, online. The video has since been archived and is again available online. If you missed it, now’s your chance to relive this special event.

  • 2006-2007 Academic Catalog

    The Academic Catalog for the 2006-2007 school year is now available on the Gustavus website. Thanks to Jeremy Carlson for all of the hard work he has put into bringing this resource to the web. As always, if you find any errors or omissions, let us know. 2006-2007 Academic Catalog

  • Virtual High Fives: Gusties Love World of Warcraft

    According to a report published by Map World of Warcraft the other day, Gustavus ranks 296 out of 1,109 colleges and universities for World of Warcraft usage. Some of our peer institutions are ranked as follows: University of St. Thomas: 536 St. Olaf College: 570 Luther College: 748 Big virtual high fives go to our…

  • Shorter is Better

    Shortly after graduation, when the campus is awash with a rare tranquility, the “oncampus” part of the a typical Gustavus URI will disappear. After years of segregating our audiences by their location, we will bring everyone together and offer people the shorter URIs they all want. While URIs will change, old URIs will function properly…

  • Wahlstrom Demolition Video

    Built in 1947, Wahlstrom Hall was named for a former president of the college, the Rev. Matthias Wahlstrom. Wahlstrom had a unique floor plan, with 191 single rooms arranged into 32 sections. While this beautiful landmark on the Gustavus Campus was beloved by many, issues with building codes and safety forced its closing. Many had…