An easier way to give Posted on July 30th, 2008 by

Gustavus's online giving site

We just put the finishing touches on our completely new online giving form. Since we hadn’t really made any major changes since December 2005, there was plenty of room for improvement. We took the opportunity examine every aspect of the online giving experience and we think came out with improvements across the board.

On the surface, we made the forms look nicer and behave better. Everything seems smooth, the language is concise, and the entire process seems friendlier. And, we distilled it from four separate pages into a single page with no extraneous questions. (After the transaction has been completed, we present the user with additional, optional questions.) Hopefully these changes will make the giving process feel a lot less like a burden and more like the happy act of generosity that it is.

Underneath the hood, we made the forms a lot smarter to prevent errors. We also were able to add functionality takes some of the burden off of staff here for repetitive tasks that could be accomplished programmatically.

Go ahead, give it a try. We hope you like the changes and we value your opinions. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Make a Gift Online



  1. Nick Sonsteby says:

    Hey guys,

    This looks great. The forms look really easy to use and it makes a lot more sense than the old form.

  2. Joe Lencioni says:

    @Nick: Thanks for the kind note 🙂

  3. […] in time for the holidays, we rolled out the first major update to our online giving form since we redesigned it July 2008. This update should save people some time and effort when giving a gift to […]